Beginner's Guide To The 7 Chakras + Affirmation Printable

Around 1500 to 500 BCE, chakras were first mentioned in ancient Hindu texts called The Vedas. The chakras (meaning wheels in Sanskrit) are explained as lotus-petalled wheels that are located along the spine of the body. They spin and vibrate energy which affect our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Typically numbered as seven, they offer a template for the development of cosmic consciousness and, as such, bear the hallmarks of states of being, rather than concrete structures.
— Paul Hougham; The Atlas Of Mind, Body, & Spirit.

If you find yourself experiencing headaches, depression, body pains, relationship conflicts, low self-esteem, lack of self-expression or loneliness, it could mean that one or more of your chakras is imbalanced. If you are curious as to which of your chakras needs extra attention, we welcome you to download our 7 Chakra Affirmations printable below.


Muladhara / Root Chakra

Photo by Canva. Root Chakra -Color association: Red. -Element: Earth

The Root Chakra or Muladhara in Sanskrit (meaning ‘root’ or ‘support’), is the first of the chakras and resides within the body at the base of the spine. This chakra is the foundation of our being, and is associated with stability and support in our physical and emotional world.

When this chakra is blocked: Feelings of fear, pertaining to environmental or survival needs. If you are worrying about life’s necessities, such as money, food, or shelter, then your root chakra may be out of alignment.

When this chakra is balanced: The feeling of being grounded, secure, safe, and supported.

How to unblock this chakra: Ask yourself, “What am I most afraid of?”. Once you can identify what is holding you back, you have a blueprint on what areas need loving attention and healing. You can then move to a place of surrender and unwavering faith - what is meant for you will not pass you up.

Affirmation for this chakra: I am grounded, safe and centered. I am an embodiment of strength. I am rooted and aligned to my soul’s purpose. The Universe is always conspiring in my favor.

Svadhisthana / Sacral Chakra

Photo by Canva. Color association: Orange. Element: Water

The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit (meaning “one’s own”), is the second chakra and is located in the lower abdomen, including your pelvis area. This chakra is where our self-identity is created which affects our rhythm and harmony.

When this chakra is blocked: Feelings of guilt, betrayal, and addictions pertaining to relationships, sexuality and/or self-identity.

When this chakra is balanced: The feeling of pleasure, creativity, commitment, passion, healthy relationships and wanting to take positive risks.

How to unblock this chakra: Ask yourself,what are my limiting beliefs?” To rise into the energy of empowerment, you can do the shadow work needed to heal and alchemize your wounds into your greatest superpower.

Affirmations for this chakra: I embrace who I am, and what I have to offer. I allow pleasure and abundance to flow easily to me. I rejoice in life’s miracles, and I am open to receive divine blessings.

Manipura / Solar Plexus Chakra

Photo By: Canva / Color Association: Yellow / Element: Fire

The Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura in Sanskrit (meaning ‘city of jewels’ for its radiance) is located above and around the navel region.

“Manipura is our centre of gravity, enabling a balanced development of our own personal power and potency, while opening to right action and charity in the world.” -Paul Hougham.

When this chakra is blocked: Feelings of shame, low self-esteem, rejection, and disappointment.

When this chakra is balanced: Feelings of willpower, confidence, self-respect, self-acceptance, and self-compassion.

How to unblock this chakra: Consider asking yourself, “what am I ashamed of?” or “what disappoints me?” Acknowledge all that you have gone through, and rejoice in your strength to have gotten through it. Understand that on your journey, mistakes are inevitable. Yet, they are lessons to learn from, rather than feeling overcome by them.

Affirmations for this chakra: I am motivated and inspired to live out my higher purpose. I am confident and courageous to take positive action every day towards my goals. I forgive myself for past transgressions, and I am so proud of how far I have come.

Anahata / Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra or Anahata in Sanskrit (meaning ‘un-struck- or ‘the cosmic pulse of life’), is the fourth chakra and is located in the heart and center chest region of the body. This chakra provides balance between the upper and lower chakras. It is our opening to expansion, compassion, and expression of our sense of self, through the connection of universal love.

When this chakra is blocked: Feelings of loneliness, grief, abandonment, jealousy and anger. 

When this chakra is balanced: Feelings of unconditional love, gratitude, joy, forgiveness, and trust. 

How to unblock this chakra: Reflect on the grief and pain you hold in your heart from memories in the past. You have the key to unlock yourself out of the mental prison that may have been created.  Release all that makes your heart heavy, you deserve to be at ease.

Affirmations for this chakra: I welcome love into my life, with an open heart. I release any jealousy or anger that I may be holding onto. I am worthy of unconditional love, both from myself and from others. 

Vishuddha / Throat Chakra

Photo by Canva. Color Association: Blue. Element: Sound/ Space

The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha in Sanskrit (meaning ‘pure’) is the fifth chakra and is located in throat region of the body. 

“This is the final chakra that holds any resonance with the elements that shape our lives. It holds our capacity to hear the sounds of the universe and give expression to the sounds of our own hearts as we speak our truth within the world.” - The Atlas of Mind,Body & Spirit

When this chakra is blocked: Feelings of not being heard of understood, fear of self-expression through communication, overly-talkative and not being able to listen to others, and lies you are told by yourself and others. 

When this chakra is balanced: Feelings of confidence in your truth, good communication, trust in yourself and in others, and the ability to listen and better understand others. 

How to unblock this chakra: Practice being mindful of each word that you speak. Repeat affirmations for confidence and self-expression. Be aware of the limiting beliefs that you tell yourself and that others tell you, and practice letting them go. 

Affirmations for this chakra: I communicate confidently and easily. I show up authentically and with clear intent. I am a great listener, and I can empathize with others. 

Anja / Third Eye Chakra

Photo By Canva. Color Association: Indigo. Element: Light.

The Third-Eye Chakra or Ajna in Sanskrit (meaning ‘command’ or ‘beyond wisdom’) is the sixth chakra and located between the brows in the center of the forehead. This chakra deals with intuition, imagination and insight. It is here where we move into a deeper state of consciousness and reality of both the self and the universe.

When this chakra is blocked: Unable to see things from a new point of view, feelings of greed, inability to acknowledge your own faults, and creating illusions and distortions of your reality.

When this chakra is balanced: Feelings of insight, being focused, and being able to separate truth from illusion.

How to unblock this chakra: Meditation practices, practice “seeing the big picture” in situations, surrender while trusting that there are forces greater than yourself working for you, and choose to live in a higher vibrational state.

Affirmations for this chakra: I am in harmony and trusting of my intuition. I am open to receive divine insight, inspiration, and wisdom. I am connected to my highest purpose. I can clear and quiet my mind with ease and grace.

Sahasrara / Crown Chakra

Photo By: Canva. / Color Association: Purple / Element: Divine Consciousness & Cosmic Energy.

The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara in Sanskrit (meaning ‘beingness’ or ‘ascension’) is located above the top of the head. It is here where pure cosmic energy and true bliss resides. Within this chakra is where you are free from earthly attachments and the human experience.

When this chakra is blocked: Feelings of depression, disconnection from the world, lack of faith/spirituality and living in past memories.

When this chakra is balanced: The ability to be present and mindful, and knowing how separate your human emotions from the divine truth of who you are and what you are meant to accomplish.

How to unblock this chakra: Practice embracing silence. Consider asking yourself, “what emotionally and psychically attaches me to this world?” Practice letting go of all that no longer serves you. This includes limiting self-talk, stop words, or limiting language (can’t, won’t, don’t, etc).

Affirmations for this chakra: I am divinely guided and an extension of the universe. I am limitless and powerful.

“I am a miracle, made up of particles. And in this existence, I’ll stay persistent, and I’ll make a difference, and I will have lived it.” -Aloha Ke Akua by Nahko and Medicine For The People

If this information is new for you, it may take time for it resonate. After reflecting through each chakra, do you feel that any of them are out of alignment for you?

We recommend doing a 7 day challenge, where each day you focus on one of the seven chakras. See how you can improve each one to expand yourself emotionally and spiritually. If you do this challenge, we encourage you to leave a comment down below to share your experiences.

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As always, we are so grateful for your support and we send you love, strength, and power on your journey.
