If you have found yourself looking to be more productive, you are in the right place. We have all been in the state of feeling unmotivated, lazy, and uninspired.
You may have a pile of what seems like never ending tasks, and are constantly worrying on how you will get them all done.
One thing is for sure, there will always be a million things to do.
Not to worry, because we have provided 5 easy tips to limit your procrastinations and become confident in your decision making to regain balance of your life, time, and energy levels.
Start With Your WHY

We have said it before, and we will say it again; your why, is so important when it comes to motivating you to go after your goals and dreams.
If you do not know why you are doing something, what is the point?
In order to spark the flame of passion and motivation within yourself, you need to know what your why is. It could be anything such as providing financial security for yourself and your family, wanting to live in your dream body, time freedom, and so much more. Whatever your why is for you, write it down and keep it in a place where you can refer to it every day.
Turn Your Distractions Into Your Rewards

This one habit has can drastically improve your productivity, while still being able to indulge in your guilty pleasures.
It is easy to get caught up, scrolling through your social media feeds and mindlessly consuming content that does not benefit serve your highest path.
Before you know it, hours have passed without any progress of reaching your goals.
One excuse we always hear is, “there is just not enough time to do it all.”
Yet, one aspect is certain - the most successful and unsuccessful people have the same amount of hours in a day.
The goal is not to feel shame about your guilty habits, yet to use them as a reward for accomplishing your tasks. For example, if you accomplish the tasks of your to-do-list, reward yourself with Netflix time, or being on your phone.
Life is about balance and finding grace within your actions. Accomplishing your goals should make you feel empowered, courageous, and strong. If you are constantly chasing a certain goal and still feeling unmotivated to take action, it may mean that you are chasing the wrong dream. This would be a good time to do some self-reflection and find what really lights up your soul.
Time Management & Organization

Organization is going to be your best friend when it comes to getting things done. Most people want to get organized but do not know where to start. We recommend first doing a brain dump of everything that you want to accomplish, even down to the smallest tasks you have been avoiding.
Break up your tasks into 3 sections; top priority, by next month, and by next year.
You will then want to get yourself a yearly planner. Start plugging in your tasks and goals in order of importance and due dates.
It is important to be realistic when you start putting tasks on your calendar. If you already have busy days, give yourself at least one task a day. Take small steps mastering that one extra task until you feel like you are ready to take on more.
It is important to not be overwhelmed with the many demands of life, but rather be like water. To discover more on this topic, we welcome you to check out our blog post - 4 Ways to Become More Resilient (How to Be Like Water).
If you are interested in some free templates to get started on a path to productivity, you can find them below.
Vision Board

Vision boards are such a great way to remind you every day what it is that you are working towards. Vision boards are a collection or collage of images and/or words on what you want to bring forth in your life or manifest.
Visualization is a great law of attraction and manifestation technique.
As you look at your board every day, put yourself in the energetic mindset of already having everything on your board. How does it make you feel to have attracted everything you desire?
Give Yourself A Break

If you take anything from this blog post, take this with you.
You will not be productive or crush your goals if you burn yourself out. Even the great minds of the world need to take breaks.
Schedule out a self-care day at least once a week. This can be anything from skincare, bath, or any type of self-grooming. You deserve relaxation and pampering!
You are worthy of all abundance. Continue to have the courage to commit on elevating yourself.
Please let us know in the comments below if you have any other productivity hacks and tips that you want to share with the Tribe.
As always, we are so grateful for your support of our content and we send you love, strength, and power on your journey.

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