How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs & Turn Them Into Your Biggest Strength

If you don’t believe the impossible can happen, then you are right.
When you feel like you are less than others, then you are right.
When you believe what you have and how you were raised keeps you from having everything you ever dreamed of, you are right.
When you believe your mistakes can’t be undone, you are right.
When you feel this is the best it is going to get, you are right.
When you think someone will never change or rise above their brokenness, you are WRONG!
— Shannon L. Alder

Limiting beliefs are essentially false beliefs about yourself that hold you back from living out your highest potential. Each of us hold ideas about ourselves based on what other people have told us - their projections. Everything that has ever been said to you or about you, has had an effect on the person you are today.

As a kid, if you were told that you were bad at something, chances are you grew up believing that idea and never tried it again. These words especially hit us when they come from our loved ones. If a parent or parent figure has told you that your dreams were too out of reach, they were incorrect.

This is where we will learn to take a step back, acknowledge that others’ fears are not our own, and politely decline the idea that we are anything less than divine beings.

Do you think you are in this human experience to live a life of constant suffering and worry? One thing is for certain - life is uncertain. The act of surrendering and having unwavering faith in the Universe, God, or Source, whatever you choose to call it, has the potential to change your reality.

Now is the time to break the chain of the generations that have come before you. You can be the mental and spiritual change of the generations that come after you. Ask yourself, How can you change the course of your family’s legacy?

Types of Limiting Beliefs

Now there are different limiting beliefs that can have an impact on you. This can be, your beliefs about money, your age, your personal traits, or your sense of worth as a whole.

Maybe you grew up always hearing that having money does not come easy, and that you have to work extremely hard for it. Maybe no one in your life has made 6 figures so you believe you can never make that much also.
You may feel that you are too “old” to do something, or that you missed your chance because you are no longer “young”.

Or maybe you feel that you are not attractive enough, or smart enough, or interesting enough.

Whatever the case may be, let us remind you that these are just constructs or a paradigm you have created in your own mind, based off of what you have been told about yourself from others. They are not what and who you truly are. At your core, you are the embodiment of divinity, encompassed by love, and meant to spread your light.

We have provided an exercise to help you become aware of the exact limiting beliefs that are holding you back. We welcome you to click on the image below to receive a free printable.


How to Rewrite Your Limiting Beliefs

To transform these limiting beliefs into your biggest strength, we recommend trying three things:


1.) Become aware of the beliefs that are holding you back.

Take a moment of stillness and reflect on the times in your life that you felt like you were not “good enough”.

What was making you feel this way? Do you still feel this way now?

On a piece of paper, jot down all that comes to mind. Once you feel you got it all out, look over what you have written.

How does it make you feel to see everything in one place?

This is the moment where you face your fears. It might be scary, and may not feel good. But you must become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Growth takes courage and strength. If you continue to push through, you will always meet your goal.


2.) Understand that others’ opinions have nothing to do with you.

Even after the negative effects that these limiting beliefs have had on you, you should not take it personally. In the book, The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz says, “Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.”

Look over your list again and notice how many of your limiting beliefs are due to what someone else had told you? Once you can come to terms with knowing that others opinions are only a reflection of themselves, you will be free of constantly seeking to have everyone’s approval.


3.) Turn your limiting beliefs into positive affirmations.

We welcome you to pull out your list one last time.

One by one, you are going to rewrite your limiting beliefs into positive affirmations that we recommend saying daily.

For example, if one of your beliefs about yourself was that you did not feel like you had anything to offer, you could write “I have so much to offer. I continue to discover my gifts and use them to spread my light onto others.”

You can do this exercise with our free printable, down below.


We truly hope you take a chance on yourself and find the courage to overcome the mental blocks that are holding you back. You are here, right now, meant to live out your soul’s purpose. We encourage you to do the exercise provided and discover more about yourself.

If you have not done so already, consider following us on pinterest for more tips, and sign up for our email list for exclusive content.

As always, we send you love, strength and power on your journey.
