5 Weekly Reset Routine Ideas + Reset Printables

Having a weekly reset routine is a great way to set yourself up for success for the upcoming week. Many people do this practice on Sundays, yet feel free to adjust this to whichever day works best for your life. Scheduling and planning out your week is a sure way to have a less stressful approach to reaching your goals.

If you are someone who loves to go with the flow, and you are not a fan of routine, we encourage you try this practice and schedule time for yourself to have no plans. This still gives you the opportunity to be spontaneous, while being proactive.

If you would like a copy of our Reset Routines, you may download it by simply clicking on the images below!


1. Self-Care

Your reset day is a great opportunity to hit that snooze button and sleep in. Since you will be productive throughout the day, getting adequate rest is important. Self-care can mean many things to many people. Think of it as a time to truly honor tending to yourself; everyone deserves to slow down and do practices to improve their morale and happiness.

Self-care can include but is not limited to:

Taking a shower with essential oils, an Epsom salt bubble bath, skincare, nail maintenance, hair care, the choices are unlimited!

Please feel free to share your favorite self-care practices in the comments down below for the fellow Tribe!

2. Clean Your Home & Tackle Laundry

There is nothing like starting off your week with a clean home and your laundry fresh and folded.

Your weekly reset day is a perfect time to clear off your flat surfaces and put things back where they go. You can also make sure your kitchen is clean, dishes are not in the sink, and your space is vacuumed or mopped.

We recommend that if you are planning to do laundry, also plan to putting your clothes away as soon as they come out of the dryer. Getting into the habit of putting your clothes away immediately, keeps your place tidy and prevents stress from not being able to find what you are looking for. If you are someone that does not like folding clothes, consider doing so while watching your favorite show or Youtube videos. This makes the process more enjoyable and mindless.

3. Meal Plan & Groceries

If you are on your fitness or health journey, it is essential to plan out your meals and gather a grocery list ahead of time. This will save you from not knowing what to eat throughout the week and ordering takeout.

There are countless easy meal ideas on Pinterest and Google.

Meal Planning Tip #1:

If available to your location, and if your weekly rest day is on Sundays, try meal planning and ordering groceries on Friday for pickup on Sunday. This practice removes a couple extra tasks for your reset day.

Meal Planning Tip #2:

If you are someone that does not like meal prepping because you are not a fan of 3 day old food, consider ingredient prepping. For example, If you’re having a stir fry for dinner that week, chop up your veggies ahead of time. When the day of the meal arrives, you would have already saved yourself some time in the kitchen by prepping your ingredients beforehand.

Meal Planning Tip #3

If you have a crockpot, instant cooker, air fryer, etc, USE IT. For example, a crockpot is the easiest way to prepare a large batch of food with very little steps involved. To make your life even easier; prep your ingredients for your crockpot meal the night before, so the next morning you can just dump everything in, turn the crockpot on and forget about it for the next 4-8 hours.

4. Plan Workout Routines

By now, we are sure you understand that planning ahead of time sets you up to succeed.

If you are someone that has struggled with motivation to work out, know that you are not alone.

What can help is to plan out a clear schedule of what your workout routines will be and on what days.

Plan realistically according to what you already have going on.

If you have a day that is jam-packed but still want to make time to exercise, plan for a 15-30 minute workout rather than an unrealistic 2 hour gym sesh.

A tip to help your future self is to get your workout clothes ready the night before, and if you do go to a gym, have your bag packed and shoes by the door as well.

5. Review Budget & Finances

Lastly, reviewing your budget and going over your finances is a great practice to incorporate into your reset routine. You do not have to do this exercise every week, yet we recommend a minimum of once a month depending on your needs and financial goals.

This is a great time to review and plan for your upcoming bills, or miscellaneous expenses such as: gas, groceries, children and pet expenses, birthday presents, etc. Becoming in control of your personal finances and learning how to budget and save keeps you on your path to success.

When you are feeling unmotivated, ask yourself, “What can I do now that my future self will thank me for?”

What are some of your weekly reset routines? Share them in the comments below for the fellow Tribe!

As always, we are so grateful for your support.

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We send you love, strength, and power on your journey.
