Discover Your Purpose by Diving into your own story (+ Journal Prompt Printables)
“One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide.”
We have heard that you need to know where you have come from to know where you are going. If you have found yourself wondering where you will go next, we encourage you to take a moment of stillness and look within. You hold all of the answers within yourself, the answers exist behind all your scattered thoughts. Telling your story has many benefits. Not only will you learn to make sense and heal from what you have been through, yet you may also have the opportunity to help someone else heal from a similar experience.
You can tell your story in many different ways. If you wish to begin your story from as far back as you can remember, feel free to do so. This blog post will hone into specific challenges you have experienced, and how you were able to get through them. This a great “shadow work” exercise to heal from old wounds that you may have buried.
For this exercise you will want to be somewhere quiet, where you will not be interrupted. All you will need is a notebook and writing tool, or a device to type out your story.
We welcome you to follow along to this blog post with the templates we created by clicking on the photos below.
Step 1: The Obstacle
Think of a time where you hit your lowest point. You may notice that you have experienced many different obstacles, feel free to write about each one that comes to mind. Oftentimes, we see repeating patterns with our traumas based on old wounds that we have yet to heal.
Have you noticed a pattern of reoccurring wounds - such as betrayal, abandonment or rejection wounds?
What was going on in your life to make you feel this way?
Dive deep into what you were thinking and feeling.
What was standing in your way?
Step 2: The Moment That Changed Everything
Now think of when you had your “Lightbulb Moment”.
This is the moment when you found a solution to your problem, or recieved guidance to lead you there.
How did you overcome your obstacle?
We highly recommend using different modalities to help heal to your wounds. This could be: energetic cord cutting to all that no longer serves you, forgiveness meditations, journaling, prayer and so much more!
Step 3: Reflect & Dream BIG
How does reliving some of your old hardships make you feel?
If the experiences still trigger negative emotions, it may mean you still need to heal from them.
The goal is to be empowered by what you have been through, not emotionally tied down from your past.
The trials and tribulations that you experience are necessary for your expansion, even if it does not feel that way in the moment.
Every day is a chance to start anew.
Who do you want to be?
How can you be of service to others?
Instead of asking “what does the universe want from me?” consider asking, “what can I give the universe?”
This is the moment to think about your most wildest dreams, and the legacy you want to leave behind.
If you could do anything in the world and money or time was not a concern, what would you do?
If you have a hard time even dreaming big, there may be limiting beliefs you need to work through. If you are interested in alchemizing your limiting beliefs, feel free to check out the blog post below.
Turn Your Passion Into Your Purpose
If doing this exercise did not yet lead you to a specific thing you are passionate about, that is okay. We would recommend jotting down all that you would love to do if money or time was not an option. Choose the things that light you up from within. Once you have narrowed down things you would love to try, check out our blog post How to Set and Achieve Goals below!
“A passion is what gets you started and a purpose is what keeps you going.”