7 Gratitude Practices to Transform Your Perspective On Life(+ Affirmation Poem)

Let us rise up and be thankful. For if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.
— Gautama Buddha (circa 563 BC-483 BC)

Oftentimes you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the many demands of life. Sometimes it can seem like everything is going wrong and that the world is working against you. When we get into this mindset, it is easy to forget all of the hidden blessings that happen for you without you even being aware of it happening! With practice, we believe that the key for changing your perspective on life to attract abundance starts with gratitude. Everyone feels the power of gratitude differently. For some, gratitude can feel like unconditional love radiating from one’s heart. By Universal Law, what you think and feel is energy; and whatever energy you put out, is what you receive.

If you find yourself constantly worrying, you are letting the Universe know that you do not trust that things can work in your favor. Instead, gift yourself moments of gratitude for the multitude of forces that have come together for your well being. 

We have gathered some of our favorite gratitude practices from the book, “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne, that we recommend implementing into your everyday life. If you are interested in the complete 28 Day Practice, consider grabbing yourself a copy of the book!

We also welcome you to grab your free download of our Affirmation Poem below.


1. Gratitude for wellness

With the daily tragedies around the world, there is a lot of fear in the collective. We believe that it is important to take moments to silence your thoughts and really give thanks for all the miraculous things your body does every day that you are unaware of. We tend to only feel gratitude for our health when we are feeling ill. There is so much power in being able to have the force of gratitude embedded into your daily life. Here are a few examples of miraculous things our body does that we tend to overlook:

    • Give Gratitude For Your Senses. Without them, you would not be able to see and feel your loved ones, smell cookies in the oven, taste your favorite food and drinks, and listen to your favorite music. It is also important to give gratitude for your intuition and put energy towards trusting your gut.

    • Gratitude For Your Internal Body. Give thanks for your organs, cells, and complex systems that keep your body going day by day. If it was not for the health of our internal systems, we would not be alive. We think it is important to do research on learning how your body functions internally, so you have a better understanding on how to take care of it.

  • Gratitude For Your External Body. Give thanks for everything that your hands, arms, feet and legs help you do. If you have experienced loss of one of these mobilities, it is even more imperative to give thanks for what you do have.

2. Gratitude for Your Money

Your words are so energetically powerful. If you find yourself always saying “how broke you are”, or that you "do not have any money”, you will be and have just that.

If you have been struggling to pay your bills, Rhonda Byrne has a great practice to shift your mindset. Byrne suggests taking unpaid bills and saying “thank you for the money” for each one, whether you have the money for that bill or not. This puts you in the energetic vibration of already having the money for it, and what you think and feel, you attract. You know this by now.

She also suggests taking paid bills, and giving thanks for having had the money to pay it. We think this practice is underrated and great at shifting your perspective and relationship with money.

3. Alchemizing regret and mistakes into hidden blessings

Far too often we hold onto mistakes that we have made, and each time we think about them it brings up old feelings. Every hardship and obstacle you face is a lesson to be learned. We find ourselves often experiencing the same pains or situations over and over again and this is because we have not fully learned from our lessons and healed from our past transgressions.

Within each trial and tribulation, there are hidden blessings, you just need know how to find them. The book suggests starting by asking yourself, “What did I learn from this mistake?”. Follow that up with looking for all of the good things that came from that particular situation.

For example, let us say that you received a parking ticket for parking where you were not supposed to. It may be easy to want to shift the blame on whoever gave you the ticket, but at the end of the day, it is your responsibility to have looked for any signs saying you should not have parked there. Shifting the blame onto others will never result in you learning or moving on from your mistake.

In this example, you can give gratitude to the person who gave you the ticket for making you more aware of your surroundings. You can also give thanks for the ticket being the price that it was and not another dollar more.

Whatever mistake you have made, make sure you learn from it so you can peacefully move on.

4. A Gratitude-Filled Morning

We have all had mornings where it seems that everything is going wrong. You miss your alarm, wake up frantically and run to the bathroom. On the way there, you stub your toe, just to then realize that you are out of toothpaste. You hop into the shower and guess what? No hot water. Every action has a reaction. When you start your morning with stressed energy, chances are, the rest of your day will be the same if you do not shift your mindset and vibe. We are here to remind you that you are in control of your reality. You can choose to have a great morning, regardless of any problems that may arise.

To have a magical morning, you can mentally say “thank you” upon waking up. You are alive to see another day, what a blessing! The key for this practice is saying thank you for everything in your morning. Maybe your hot water did run out, but a quick cold plunge is the exact energy you may have needed to kickstart your day after missing your alarm. There is also room to give thanks for the labor that was needed to install your plumbing to give you running water in the first place.

The list goes on and on. Try challenging yourself to think of as many things as you can to be grateful for as you start your day and let us know how the rest of your day turned out in the comments below!

5. Gratitude to Heal Your Relationships

There may be a relationship that you have wanted to heal, but have been struggling on how to let go of whatever it is you are holding on to. It is easier to acknowledge someone else’s flaws rather than all of the good qualities they have. We must also remember that the opinions we have about others says a lot about how we feel about ourselves. We should be open to changing behaviors about ourselves if we are expecting someone else to do the same.

If you have a relationship in mind that you would like to transform, we recommend coming up with 10 things that you are grateful for, for that person. This gives you the chance to remember why you want to heal this relationship, or it may help you find your closure.

Please kindly note that if the relationship is mentally or physically abusive, it is important to separate yourself and let the relationship go. Your safety and well being is always more important.

6. Use Gratitude for Self-Love

We are sure that you have had moments where you rant about all of the things you do not like about yourself, or what you wish were different. With the standards that society holds for us, it is easy to compare ourselves to others.

What we tend to forget is that we are perfect just as we are. Every imperfection is indeed perfect by universal design. Is it not miraculous that you are made up of molecules and cells and they come together to form everything that is you? We highly recommend being aware of this concept the next time you are being hard on yourself.

Just as we challenge our loved ones, we challenge you. When you find yourself saying hurtful things about yourself, counter that with 3 things you love and are grateful for about yourself. Repeat this as often as you notice your destructive self-talk and challenge your loved ones as well!

7. Gratitude for Food & Water

It is common among many cultures to say a prayer including gratitude for the food about to be eaten. It is important to give thanks to all of the people that have played a part in getting your food to your plate.

This includes farmers, truck drivers, grocery store workers, and delivery drivers if you are ordering your groceries to be delivered at home. If eating meat is a part of your diet, it is also important that you are giving thanks for the animal that lost its life for your meal.

If you live in a city, you may not take moments of gratitude for the luxury of using water to shower, washing your hands, or more importantly, having water to drink. It is a privilege that we often take for granted.

We hope that you try at least one of these practices and are able to shift the way that you observe your daily life. When your surrounding becomes chaotic, we suggest taking the time to focus on all the good that surrounds you. You are more blessed and supported than you are aware of. When you transform your energetic vibration to that of love and gratitude, by Universal Law, you will attract blessings of that same vibration.

If no one has told you today, you are an embodiment of strength, and you are worthy of all miracles and blessings.

As always, we thank you for your continued support and we welcome you to follow us on pinterest and sign up for our email list for exclusive content.

We are sending you love, strength and power on your journey.
