Spring Clean Your Life For Happiness & Clarity + Spring Affirmation Printable & Journal Prompts
Welcome Spring!
This season is all about new life, new cycles, and new beginnings.
From frost and stillness comes warmth and blossoming.
This is the best time (metaphorically and physically speaking) to plant seeds.
Plant seeds of your intentions and manifestations to start a new chapter of the life you really want.
For change to occur, you must shed what no longer serves your highest good. This means tending to your environmental, physical, and emotional health.
Keep reading to find out some tips to help you do so. + some freebies in the mix!
Environmental Health
We’ve mentioned before that a clean home environment leads to increased happiness and productivity. “Spring Cleaning” is a great practice to welcome in the Spring Equinox, and to work with the energies of nature.
First, you want to declutter every part of your living space. If you live with others, make sure you get their permission to do so.
I recommend decluttering and cleaning by rooms, going at your own pace. When deciding on what to donate or get rid of, ask yourself, “does this really bring me joy?”.
Another good rule is, if you didn’t know you had it, you probably don’t need it. While in decluttering mode, it’s a good time to think about ways to organize your possessions so that every little thing has a home. This makes it easier to keep up with having a tidy space.
Another way to improve your environmental health is to do some deep cleaning. This includes the areas of your home that you have been avoiding or neglecting. Some examples are: your ceiling fan(s), baseboards, doors, dusting, you name it! Time to get down to the nitty gritty.
If You are looking for a natural and safe, homemade All Purpose Cleaner, you can download ours below.
To complete your environmental cleanse, I recommend smudging your home and setting intentions of what you want your home space to be. If you aren’t sure of what smudging is, check out our blog post on it below.
Physical Health
A great way to “spring clean” your physical well being, is by challenging yourself to give up a guilty pleasure of yours for a certain amount of time. This can be considered a detox or cleanse, but it does not have to be intense.
Consider replacing your guilty pleasure with a healthy habit for 7 days.
I have found that it is really hard for most people to stick to a health challenge, and many feel regret and disappointment if they don’t succeed.
7 days is a great starting point, and completing the full week will give you confidence and motivation to do longer stretches. For beginners, I recommend going in 7 day intervals.
If you’re ready for a bigger challenge, then I will let you know that on average it takes about 66 days for a new habit to become automatic. 😉
Check in with yourself after your challenge is complete.
Do you notice a change in how you felt afterwards? Maybe even proud that you even completed the challenge?
Emotional Health
Your emotional health is the most important in our opinion. If you take proper care of your emotional and spiritual well being, chances are that your environmental and physical health will be in harmony. It is important to do a wellness check-in with yourself at least every three months. If you haven’t done one before, than now is a great time to start.
You can receive a free wellness check-in printable upon signing up for our email list down below!
Essentially, this practice is about taking log of how you feel in all areas of your life.
This includes: your relationships, finances, spirituality, mindset, purpose, career, sunshine, water, and more. After you do this, it is time to do an emotional declutter. What has been holding you back, and what can you let go of?
Check out some of our Spring Affirmations and Journal Prompts below.
Lastly, take action.
What practice can you incorporate into your day-to-day that will make you feel happy?
I recommend making yourself a “happy list”. This includes a list of all the things that make you happy. When you find yourself feeling really low, pull out your list and pick one thing on that list to do, to make yourself feel joy.
We hope you have found inspiration with the ideas above and take action on yourself.
You deserve to receive all the blessings, you just need to be open to do so.
Invest in yourself, you are worth it.
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We send you love, light, and many blessings to you on your journey.
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Spiritual Books for Enlightenment, Expansion & Ascension. Soul Nourishment. Power of Now-Eckhart Tolle. The Four Agreements- Don Miguel Ruiz. You Are The Answer- Michael J. Tamura. Living With Intent- Mallika Chopra. The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho. Siddhartha- Herman Hesse. The Untethered Soul- Michael A. Singer. What I Know For Sure- Oprah Winfrey. The Secret- Rhonda Byrne.