12 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Frequency + Daily Affirmations Printable


What is a vibration?

Every single thing in the universe (including the stars, planets, and humans) is made up of energy that vibrates. Objects that appear to be solid have particles vibrating at a quantum level. Our thoughts even hold a frequency. Positive thoughts = higher vibrational frequencies. Negative thoughts = lower vibrational frequencies. We are naturally similar to turning forks and can pick up on the energy around us. When we can guide our awareness to that of the highest frequency and vibration, we can then alchemize our reality to be in alignment with our wildest dreams.


Oftentimes, it is easy to find ourselves curled up, feeling low, and wanting serious change in our lives. We get so caught up in the human experience that it seems as though we need to climb out of a bottomless pit to pull ourselves out the mundane routine of the day-to-day.

As Don Miguel Ruiz says, “Always do your best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.” 

If interested, we are happy to share some tips that can assist with raising your vibration and allow you to flow into a state more in alignment with your highest-self.

We welcome you to download our Daily Affirmations Printable below as well!



1.) Practice Conscious Breathing and Meditation


Practicing conscious breathing and meditation are modalities that you can do anywhere and for free. If you find yourself stuck in a loop of past experiences, or anxious about what the future holds, we recommend taking it back to the basics and taking moments of mindfulness.

One would need to consciously make the decision to acknowledge all of the thoughts without judgement. Accept, release, and reprogram. You can then become fully present with your breath until you feel a sense of peace and stillness. We would recommend incorporating at least 5 minutes of meditation each day and gradually increasing the length of your practice. Creating small consistent moments for yourself each day to incorporate conscious habits will naturally guide you down a path of higher consciousness.


2.) Conscious Content


Though there are many different genres of books, we would suggest looking for a one in the “self-transformation, self-help, or spiritual” subjects.

Feel free to check out some of our favorites below!

If you are someone who does not enjoy reading a physical book, or simply enjoys variety, audiobooks and podcasts are a great alternative solution to receive your conscious content. During the times of being in a lower vibrational state, it is vital to disconnect from social media, the news, and technology altogether. Every day there is a new tragedy, and while it is important to stay aware of what is going on in the world, it is also important to do what is necessary for the ascension of your personal and spiritual growth. One cannot be of service to humanity and our sacred planet until one has shown up in service to oneself. When the inner work becomes a devoted practice, the contagious energy of love, peace, joy, and harmony naturally flows throughout the collective.



3. Journaling 


There are many different journaling techniques. Some of our favorites include: gratitude journaling, productivity journaling, or what we like to call free flow, where you simply allow all of your thoughts to pour out onto your pages. Physically writing out all that you are thankful for, especially when you are feeling low, is a quick and sure way to elevate your spirits. If you are curious to know more about journaling, we welcome you to check out our blog post below.



4. Ignite the Flame of Passion

Everyone has something they are passionate about, or something that they love to do. Some people have always known what their calling is, while others have yet to discover it. When you do discover what you love to do, you can feel yourself become extremely present, and living in the moment. With the trials and tribulations of life, we may not always prioritize the time to do what we love to do, because we get caught up doing all that we have to do. If you have yet to discover what you are passionate about, try thinking back to what brought you joy as a child. Or maybe there is a hobby that you have had an interest in, but you have yet to create the time to try it. We challenge you to take the steps necessary to further discover and develop your passions. You deserve to make yourself a priority and to fully embrace and experience the magic and joy that comes from creativity, imagination, and connection.


5.) Create an Ambiance


 Setting an intentional energetic space in your home is a great way to make you feel present, serene, and at ease. Create an ambiance that makes you feel good. It can be lighting a candle or an incense, diffusing essential oils, playing your favorite music, or simply opening your windows to allow some fresh air to flow through your space. Be intentional. Surround yourself with gratitude for all that you have and let it invoke the highest version of you to shine through. It could also be really helpful to connect with the four elements when creating your sacred space.


6.) Get Outside & Connect with the Earth


According to the International Journal on Social Inquiry into Well-being, “30 minutes in nature a day can increase mood, well-being, meaning in life, and mindfulness.”
If you live in a city and do not have access to nature, we recommend visiting your local park. There is something special about connecting with Mother Earth. You can do so by simply sitting on the grass, or under the trees, and acknowledging the beauty in the nature around you. There are also countless benefits of grounding with the Earth, such as improved mood, immune function, muscle recovery, reduced inflammation, and so much more! If access to nature is not convenient, we would recommend looking into earthing.com as they have a trove of wonderful grounding products that you may utilize from the comfort of your home!


7.) Shine your light & spread the love


We believe that spreading kindness while you are feeling down is impactful and empowering. We also believe that everything that we do has a ripple effect, affecting everyone around us. How beautiful would it be if more people in the world found it within themselves to have full control over their emotions; and having their actions bring only harmony into the world? It is possible, one act of kindness at a time. Let us collectively lift each other up, and bring more love into the world.


8. Clean Your Space


You may have heard the saying, “A clean home, is a happy home”. There was a survey done by Ketchum Global Research & Analytics that showed “72% of people reported they sleep better in a clean house, 80% feel more relaxed, and 60 percent feel less stress.” The state of your environment directly reflects the state of your mind. If you have a clean and tidy home, you are less likely to have scattered and anxious thoughts and can tap into the feelings of inspiration and productivity.

We recommend taking at least 20 minutes a day to do a quick tidy of your space and doing deeper cleanings when you find the time. However, as much as we agree with a happier state of mind in an organized space, we do believe that one should give themselves grace if cleaning just was not a priority on a particular day. While having a clean home has many benefits, you would not want to look back on your life and have spent most of it cleaning. It is okay if there are dishes in the sink, get to it later. Making sure you are tending to your internal well-being is most impactful.

A helpful solution is a one-day grace period on any day of the week. If your days are jam-packed, skip a cleaning and do it the next day. We recommend a one-day grace period as it is easier to manage, especially when things can get hectic throughout your week.


9. Hydrate Yourself

Drinking enough water throughout your day is so important. Our bodies function better when we are well hydrated. When our bodies are dehydrated we tend to feel lethargic, dizzy, experience headaches and so much more. If you are someone who loves drinking coffee or tea first thing in the morning, we recommend drinking a glass of water first, and treat yourself with your favorite beverage after. If you struggle with finding water appeasing, try adding lemons, limes, oranges, or berries. we recommend drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water as our body is made up of roughly 60% water. You may also add a pinch of high quality salt such as Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt as both are high in beneficial minerals that assist in keeping the body hydrated.


10.) Self Care

It is important to take a few minutes a day to do some type of self-care. It can be anything from oral hygiene, skincare, heck, even a quick shower with essential oils if you’re really pressed on time. If you are constantly on the go or taking care of others, it is essential that you take some time for yourself because there is a higher chance you will show up to the world with more confidence and grace.


11.) Nourish Yourself

If you are someone who lives a busy lifestyle, or maybe you are intimidated by the kitchen, eating out always sounds like the better option. Yet, take-out usually contains higher amounts of oil and calories than if you were to prepare a home cooked meal. Your body functions better when it is being fueled by organic whole foods. We recommend trying to reduce eating out one less time per week, and continue to improve on reducing that amount. There are also countless “easy, healthy recipes” on the internet. Adding supplements to your diet is another wonderful way to get essential vitamins and minerals that you may not be getting from your food.


12.) Engage in Some Type of Movement

It does not matter what you do, try to do at least 15 minutes of movement a day. That can be anything from, going on a walk, doing yoga, weight-lifting, to having a full on dance party by yourself. There is an ecstatic bliss that comes from letting lose to your favorite song and being in the tantric dance with life.

We encourage you to try at least one modality in this blog post and see how it makes you feel. You deserve it! Always remember, you are loved and supported, if not by anyone around you, then by us, your virtual tribe and collective. 

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As always, we send you love, light & many blessings on your journey.

Much love.
