4 Ways To Become More Resilient (How To Be Like Water)

The supreme goodness is like water.
It benefits all things without contention.
In dwelling, it stays grounded.
In being, it flows to depths.
In expression, it is honest.
In confrontation, it stays gentle.
In governance it does not control.
In action, it aligns to timing.
It is content with its nature, and therefore cannot be faulted.
— Lao Tzu / Tao Te Ching-Passage #8

To be like water is more than having a “go with the flow” attitude. There are many attributes of water that can be applied to the ascension and expansion of oneself. The human experience will always provide us with a multitude of trials and tribulations that we must overcome. Oftentimes it can feel like the world is against you and you can’t catch a break. During these times, I encourage you to practice letting things go. Learn to move with life’s currents rather than against them. Down below are four ways you can transform your life by learning how to be like water.

1. Be Grounded

One thing to admire about water is that it is unphased. Whether it is flowing through sharp rocks and debris, or crashing on shores, it remains grounded and on its course. To be grounded is to feel secure and stable as you navigate your way through life. You can become grounded in many different ways.

Here are a few:

-Being in nature. If you can get your bare feet on the Earth, even better.

-Visualization Meditation. Either sitting on the ground or in the shower, imagine yourself growing roots deep into the ground and connecting with Mother Earth. Feel at ease as you remember that you are rooted and connected to who you truly are and what you are meant to do.

-Carry a grounding stone or crystal. Some examples include: Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Onyx, Kyanite, and Mookite.

2. Be Humble

Simply put, without water, there would be no life. Every living thing depends on water, yet water asks of nothing in return. Water is humble and doesn’t need any reward or recognition for all that it provides. Through humility lies honesty, and as such, water is transparent and honest with its intentions.

To practice humility you can: recite your gratitudes every day, listen more than you speak, be aware of your ego, and embrace your areas of opportunities.

3. Be Adaptable

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes a cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.
— Bruce Lee

Water is unique as it can become three different forms: liquid, solid and gas. In each of its forms is can take many different shapes depending on the vessel that it is in. When you are facing uncertainty or ambiguity, be like water l. This means being more adapting to the environment and situations you are experiencing. If you feel uninspired, or like water trapped in a jar, remember you are only as big as the vessel you put yourself in. Become the ocean, not the fish bowl.

You can practice being more adaptable by trying new things that are out of your comfort zone. You can also take pauses to reflect when you are going through tough times. If a problem suddenly arises, ask yourself: “Am I going to let this break me, or will I get through this like I know I can?” You have already overcome the hardest times in your life thus far, and you will continue to do so.

4. Be Present & Strong

Water is soft and flexible yet it is able to erode the toughest of rocks. It is possible to be kind and live in love, while also having strength and courageousness. Water knows boundaries, and its limits. It worries not of the future, nor of the past. It is present and exists only in the NOW.

To practice being more present, you can do mindful exercises. This can include mindful meditations, or just being more aware of your surroundings and using your 5 senses.

Wherever the tide of life brings you, remember that you hold all of the same properties of water within yourself, and that you are always in control when you want to exercise those qualities.

You are worthy and deserving of it all.

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